Version 2.0
of Photo Lith was released today.
There has been quite a large rewrite of the code. Some classes that
were not really doing anything have gone and several more that handle
things like opening and saving files and creating liths have been
I have now added support for uncompressed RGB TIFF files to improve
image quality.
There is also a progress bar to give some indication of how much
work has been done.
Now when the sliders are moved to alter an existing lith image only
the part that is changed is recalculated, before the whole lith
was recalculated and this was irritating for large files.
There is also now a Splash Screen at the start to let you know the
program is loading.
Version 1.1.1
of Photo Lith Posteriser was released today.
I've added a preview of the selected file to the open dialog.
Also altered some methods to prevent conflicts as with Photo Lith
Sat exam yesterday
and finished studying for this year!! Back to fun with Photo Lith!!
Version 1.9.1 of Photo Lith was released today.
Not enough done for a 2 yet!
I've added three new filters (Cut out White, Cut out Black and Cut
out Colour) that are the opposite of three existing ones (Cut to
White, Cut to Black and Cut to Colour). There is also now a preview
of the selected file in the open dialog. Some methods have been
altered to prevent thread conflicts, should have done this when
I wrote them but I was busy and not thinking clearly.
Version 1.1
of Photo Lith Posteriser was released today.
It has the same additions as the version of Photo Lith released
There are no new user functions, you just know what is going on.
The Windows installer is now wrapped in an .exe file but still requires
the Java Runtime files.
Version 1.9
of Photo Lith was released today.
I have added a status bar at the bottom of the main window to inform
the user of what processing is taking place.
I have also added to new thread classes to handle the processing
of lith images and the creation of the brightness table from the
original image.
There are no new user functions, you just know what is going on.
The Windows installer is now wrapped in an .exe file but still requires
the Java Runtime files.
Today I have
released new versions of the Windows installer for Photo Lith 1.8
and Posteriser 1.0.
There is no difference to the code or any other files, just the
way the program is launched. Using JSmooth
I have created native Windows binary files that now open much more
quickly than the old ones without the need for all the batch files
and script files.
If you already have these versions please download the new installers
for a better experience. I have not given these files a new release
number so just use the same links.
All the windows installers I use are made using IzPack.
Version 1.0
of Photo Lith Posteriser was released today.
This produces posterised images with up to eight colours, that should
be more than enough. It works in much the same way as Photo Lith,
load your RGB jpeg, set the seven sliders and choose your colours.
Version 1.8
was released today.
There was a bug in the last release. When you opened a new image
that was larger than the old one the old image corrupted the new
lith image, if the new image was smaller there was serious problems.
Silly mistake on my part, took a while to find but seconds to fix.
All seems well now.
Also removed the posterisation instructions from the Help files
- Photo Lith Posteriser will be released soon, just got some Help
files to produce.
Version 1.7
was released today.
Altered the way the program stores the pixel brightnesses to use
specialised class rather than just an array. This doesn't seem to
be much faster but I like this way of doing it.
I also improved the handling of trying to cross the sliders, now
it only tries to create a lith image once.
I feel this is getting to the situation I wanted for this program,
I'm going to concentrate on the posterizer for now.
Version 1.6
was released today.
The program now calculates the brightness of each pixel when it
loads an image rather than each time the value of a threshold is
changed. At present it is a judgement call if this is faster or
I have also linked the sliders so now it is not possible to set
the upper threshold to a value that is below the upper threshold
or the lower threshold to more than the upper.
Version 1.5
was released today.
I fixed the HTML Help so that's much better. Also added a link to
this website.
Still working on increasing speed.
Version 1.4
was released today.
This version has an improved user interface, it looks the same as
the last one but it can be resized in a useful way.
The help is also visible again but not the fancy HTML version, you
have to look that up yourself in the installation directory.
Next on the list I'm going to try to improve the speed, I always
knew calculating all the brightness of all the pixels each time
a change was made was a bad idea but I wanted the pictures first.
Now we do it the sensible way!
Starting a new Open University course today as well, Designing Intrernet
Applications, but I will try to get this fixed as soon as possible.
Version 1.3
was released today.
The versions that have been released so far have all been growing
on the previous code and as a result it was getting a bit sloppy
so for this release I have rewritten the code from scratch and it
looks a bit better.
This version has a new interface that gives prominence to the lith
image and is more carefully laid out.
I have also added a new filter, 3 Colour, that allows different
colours above the upper threshold, between the thresholds and below
the lower threshold giving a simple 3 colour posterisation effect.
I am working on a larger posterisation process but I do not know
if it will be part of Photo Lith or a stand alone application as
As expected
life has been getting in the way of Photo Lith but...
Version 1.2 of Photo Lith was released today. The only change here
is internal, the algorithm used to determine the brightness of a
pixel has been improved. Before the brightness was determined as
the average of the Red, Green and Blue values of the pixel now the
formula Brightness = 0.3Red + 0.59Green + 0.11Blue
is used.
Version 1.1
of Photo Lith was released today. This has three new filters added
that allow the user to create liths with user-selected colours.
The filters are called Colour/Colour, Cut to Colour and Cut to Colours
and are described on the Filters page.
This website
was created to replace the temporary one that was set up when the
first release was made.
As more work is carried out on the project it will be reported here
and more pages will be added as required.
I am currently working on some coloured filters and these will be
incorporated into the next release that will be available as soon
as possible.
Version 1.0 of
Photo Lith was released today. There are six filters included in this
release and it is able to open and save jpeg files. |
© Neale Clark
2006 |