These programs handle image files
that can be quite large therefore a minimum of 256MB of RAM
is needed but 512MB is recommended more would be better.
To install on a Windows machine the simplest way is to download
the installer, double click on the file and follow the instructions.
To install on other operating systems download the JAR and
Help files found below in the Required Files section. Unzip
these files into the same directory, the program will look
for the Help and License directories in the same one as the
JAR file. To run the program you can double click on the JAR
file but this will use the default memeory for Java that will
be insufficient for all but the smallest images. The best
way to start the program is with a script that uses the -Xmx
switch to set the memory for Java to either 256MB or 512MB.
The following line
java -Xmx256m -jar photolith.jar
will run the program with 256MB of RAM allocated
to Java.