This is the second Photo
Lith application.
It is a progression from some of the filters in the original application
and allows you to create an image with up to eight different colours
or, if you want, to preseve parts of the original image.

The main screen of Photo Lith Posteriser 2.0
Once an image has been loaded the transition points
are set with the sliders at the bottom of the screen. The colour
that will appear between the points set is shown in the colour patch
between the sliders, clicking on this will open a colour chooser
that allows you to pick any colour you want. It is not necessary
to use all eight colours, in fact fewer usually produce a more pleasing
result, to use fewer just move sliders at the ends to the top or
bottom. A slider cannot be moved below one to its right, if a slider
passes another the this one will be moved to the same value. If
the checkbox beside a colour patch is ticked then the colour will
not be used and the original image will be used between these points.
Some examples of Postreriser images can be found here.